Welcome to our CurrentMatters.org GIFT page. Be encouraged! Be discerning!
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Gift Handouts (1-66).
Edification (building up) unto Christ-likeness also
remains one of our highest commitments -
see Mt. 28:18-20 for details.
Currently, we offer (online*) the following efforts toward contemporary, end of days Discipleship:
EM.com Our helpful FAQs . tRG.org Daniel's 70th Week charts FT.org Various end-time insights
TF.org Culturally relevant blogs
Building Protective Perspective
Handout 100
Current BLOG Listing
Also see our edifying materials found on our EndMin page.
* We also offer excellent off-line ministries, ones more
personal in that they are live connections with you.
Contact us for more information at email@endmin.org.
Discipleship GIFTS from EM ...
1. The Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering Chart Handout 2. The Day of the Lord Chart Handout 3. A 3-page Bible Study of Matthew 24 Handout 4. Observations from Daniel Handout 5. Waves of End-Time Chronology Handout 6. The 2nd Wave Handout 7. A Word Study on "Tribulation" Handout 8. Our We Have A Problem Outline Handout 9. Confronting Traditions Handout (e.g., Imminence: NO; Ready Expectancy: YES) 10. The Spirit of Antichrist Handout 11. The Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering Resolution Handout 12. Practical Eschatology Handout 13. EM's Chronological Distinctives Handout 14. Honoring I Corinthians 15:51, 52 Handout 15. The Daily Sacrifices/Offerings of Daniel Handout 16. Matthew 24:9, 10 Handout 17. Postmodernizing the Faith Handout 18. Gleanings from Protagoras Handout 19. Theological Integration Handout 20. It Is Well, with My Soul Handout 21. Why Don't We Run Handout 22. Toward Batting 1,000 Handout 23. Rejecting the Bondages of Dumb-Down Handout 24. 10 Bible Reasons to Question Pre-Tribulationalism Handout 25. Exposing the Wolf! Wolf! Entrapments Handout 26. Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering Passages Handout 27. Crucial Applications from the Book of Daniel Handout 28. On Interpreting the Book of Revelation Handout 29. Unfaithfulness Is a Serious Sin Handout 30. Faith & Works Handouts: A. A Lesson From our Catholic Friends Handout B. Our Concise Statement Handout C. Important Quotes Handout D. Justification Ticket Illustration Handout E. The Life of Abraham Handout 31. A HUGE Expression of Deceit Handout 32. Deception through Half Truths Handout 33. End Time Bible Themes Handout 34. End Time Bible Chronology Handout 35. Helpful Insight for Churches Handout 36. A Question for Dispensationalists Handout 37. No Date-Setting Here ! Handout 38. Christ-Honoring Perspective Handout 39. Truth Matters: Toward Enduring Handout 40. Dangerous Views Today Handout 41. The 2 Witnesses Handout 42. Ready Preparedness Handout 43. On Judgment and Wrath Handout 44. Plans in the Making Handout 45. Definitions Matter Handout 46. A NEW Ministry Opportunity Handout 47. The Beauties of GOD's Rainbow Handout 48. An Early Warning Handout 49. Prepared Through Song Handout 50. The Perfect Storm Handout 51. Our Authority for Faith and Practice Handout 52. Divine Chess Handout 53. What Of Turkeys ? Handout 54. Preterit Theology Handout 55. Contemporary Options In Eschatology 1 Handout 56. Contemporary Options In Eschatology 2 Handout 57. Contemporary Options In Eschatology 3 Handout 58. Grand Scheme Perspective Handout 59. The 3rd Wave Handout 60. Enduring Wisdom Handout 61. Stuck Handout 62. BOTH / AND Handout 63. Christian, Christian ! Handout 64. The Court Of Public Opinion Handout 65. What's NEXT Handout 66. Sufficient Warrant ? Handout
67 - 100 ... We have approximately 100 discipleship handouts at this time. Handouts 67 - 99 are now only available through snail mail. Write to us for these handouts - articles which provide even more current insights (in light of Bible Truth) concerning our end of days. (snail mail address below) Additional handouts (past the 100th article) will continue to be written and made available.
67 - 100 ... We have approximately 100 discipleship handouts at this time. Handouts 67 - 99 are now only available through snail mail. Write to us for these handouts - articles which provide even more current insights (in light of Bible Truth) concerning our end of days. (snail mail address below) Additional handouts (past the 100th article) will continue to be written and made available.